Parasites are very common and one can pick them up from eating undercooked fish or meat, drinking contaminated water, swimming in polluted water or even using a public toilet. There are some common signs that you might be hosting parasites in your body in the digestive tissues. This leads to bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation. Additionally, you could also suffer from skin rash, aching in muscles and joints, teeth grinding at night, itching, mood disorders, brain fog, chemical sensitivity and fatigue.

We can host a wide variety of parasitic bugs which vary in size and can be really small to many feet long. When you remove parasites from your body, you take a strong step towards holistic healing. However, it is possible to experience some symptoms as the parasites die and release toxins. You need to understand how you can support your body through this process. When you try to remove the parasites from your body, you could feel worse because you will feel better. Also referred to as die off, one could experience a cold or flu like symptoms in the process.
There are different ways in which this discomfort can be eased in the process of parasite cleanse. You can drink lemon water and hop in a detox bath. You also need to get enough rest during a parasite cleanse and if you experience a healing reaction, you need a lot more rest. Be kind to your body and give it all the support it needs.
How can you deal with parasites?
Parasites live inside the body and intercept nutrients which leave you with only the leftovers as well as nutritional deficiencies. Parasites will prevent you from receiving the minerals and vitamins from your food. You can deal with parasites safely inside your home as long as you have the right supplements and follow the right protocol. Even if you are healthy, you can choose to complete the parasite cleanse for a period of three months. If you have a chronic illness or an infection, you might need a longer period for the same. To learn more about it, read this list of parasite symptoms and make a well informed decision for yourself.
With different types of parasites, there are different types of symptoms. Even when it comes to the different types of worms, the symptoms will vary. The digestive issues we face often are a sign that we could be hosting parasites. If you have a lot of digestive issues like gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, you need to consider cleaning the parasites out of your bile duct. There are many other issues which include itching, skin rashes, teeth grinding, sensitivity to food and chemical, unexplained aches and pains in the muscles or joints, brain fog, anxiety, fatigue, weight loss, mood disorders and stomach pain or cramping.
3 common symptoms and different ways to combat them
The parasites inside your body will die when you introduce an eradication agent. This happens because the agent will release inflammatory toxins that will alert your body to pay attention and will remove the parasites as soon as possible. It might be uncomfortable but if you are prepared and use the right tools for the process, you will have an easier time. Parasites release neurotoxins, viruses, heavy metals and many other toxins which enter the interstitial fluid which surrounds the tissue cells. The toxins then travel to the lymphatic system that helps filter the waste inside your body. They will then filter other organs in the body but if you are chronically ill, some of the detoxification organs might be blocked and the toxins will recirculate inside the body while they wait to be detoxified. This, essentially, causes the die off symptoms.
It is necessary to endure these symptoms because the drainage trouble can be caused by the parasites themselves. They love your bile duct and the liver as well as other organs and the more you work on their eradication, the easier these reactions become.
Symptom 1 – Headache
This is a very common symptom for any sort of detox. It can occur as the body adjusts to the parasite cleanse diet and it could occur with light nausea. You can fight this symptom by applying some Frankinense oil or a WO China healing oil on your temples, on the back of your neck and across your forehead. You need to ensure you are well hydrated because a headache can worsen in case of a dehydration. You can consume lemon juice to maintain alkaline in the body and give your immune system a boost of Vitamin C.
Symptom 2 – Aches and pains
This is a common and uncomfortable symptom that causes your organs, muscles and joints to ache as a result of the body eliminating the toxic waste while the parasites die. To combat the same, you can try a magnesium chloride bath or epsom salt. It will help pull the toxins from your skin and replenish magnesium in the body.
Symptom 3 – Fatigue
This is one of the most common complaints in the cleanse. It is tough on the body to eliminate the toxins released when killing the parasites. Hence, you need to remain kind on yourself. A lot of people regain energy and vitality after they spend some time on the parasite protocol. You can fight it by giving your body the adequate amount of sleep it needs. You need to give your body enough support and time to heal. Ensure that you get about eight to ten hours of sleep daily and go easy on exercise. You can replace the cardio with some gentle yoga or stretching. Allow your body sometime to recover. You can also combat fatigue by consuming Vitamin B.
These are only three of the most common symptoms you might face in the process of cleansing. The simple but effective ways of fighting them off should help you in a substantial manner while you let your body cleanse and heal.
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