American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is one of the finest colleges of its type anywhere in the USA. I have recently finished a one year Masters course at this brilliant institution and it is somewhere that I would recommend to anyone who has an interest in studying either acupuncture or traditional medicine, or both for that matter. The college is widely respected in both America and beyond and there are many benefits which you will be able to count on when you study here, let’s take a look.
Highest Quality Teaching Staff
In my classes there was a real mixture of abilities and experience amongst the students and I was incredibly impressed with the way that the teaching staff were able to offer support and inspiration to each one of us. I have since learned that the college really prides itself on having the best professors with plenty of experience in traditional medicine and for me they were able to bring out the very best that I was able to achieve.
Depth of Learning
You can study traditional oriental medicine in many places across the country but there are none which are able to offer the depth of learning that the American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine can. They don’t just teach you the theories and principles of these subjects, but also how you can apply them in your career in the modern world. On top of the teachings of medicine, you will also learn about management and administration in a healthcare setting which will give you all the tools that you need to launch a career within this area of medicine.
A benefit which I got that I wasn’t really counting on was that my own personal health has improved greatly based on what I learned at the college. I have also been able to extend my knowledge to friends and family and they have been greatly appreciative of the information which I have been able to offer them. Remember that ancient medicine is not just about treatment, it also places heavy focus on self care and lifestyle, and as a result you will improve your own lifestyle and health.
Real Practice
Something which really drew me to this college was the fact that they place a heavy onus on your practicing of the techniques which you are learning, both in terms of the acupuncture and other techniques which you will learn about. They have a clinic inside the college which is attended by members of the public and this is the perfect opportunity for students to take their classroom learnings and put it into practice. you can only really learn something by doing it and that is another great benefit of studying at this magnificent college.
I would certainly recommend that you study traditional oriental medicine if you are interested, and if you do, this is the only college where you should be looking.
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