If you’re concerned that your hair is thinning or receding and are interested in learning about some of the major causes of male hair loss, LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor discovered 5 specific reasons why your hair may be thinning or receding.
The major causes of male hairloss:
- Genetics
The large majority of men who suffer from hair loss are genetically predisposed to suffering hair loss. For a man to experience genetic hair loss, he must be prone to hair loss on both sides of his family. However, as genetic hair loss is an extremely common genetic trait, a large percentage of men will experience hair loss in their lifetime.
- Age
Once men reach the age of 20, the average man will be unable to grow the same volume of lush, healthy, thick hair that they grew as a teenager and even men who aren’t predisposed to experiencing hair loss, may notice that their hair isn’t as thick anymore.
Once a man reaches the age of 30, he’ll become even more susceptible to developing male pattern hair loss. Typically it’s at age 30 that men who are genetically predisposed to experiencing hair loss will start to lose a large percentage of their hair.
In many cases, men over the age of 30 will start to develop a u shaped hairstyle. As the first spot men tend to lose hair from is the top of their head. Whilst a large percentage of men who start to experience hair loss are still able to grow hair on both sides of their head.
While some men who will eventually experience male pattern hair loss may not start losing hair till their 40s, the vast majority of men who are predisposed to experiencing hair loss will do so in their 30s. Whenever a man starts to develop significant hair loss they should seek treatment as soon as possible in order to maintain and protect the hair which they have.
- Poor diet
Another reason why men start to lose hair is that they don’t consume a healthy, balanced diet which offers the vitamins and nutrients which their hair needs to grow healthily. The good news is that hair loss which is caused by poor diet is temporarily and can be easily addressed.
- Stress
Men who experience high levels of stress on a daily basis are also highly likely to suffer from hair loss. The type of hair loss experienced by men who are highly stressed is caused by intense physical or emotional stress and generally causes the thinning of hair rather than a receding hairline. The latter of which is usually caused by genetic factors.
- Hairstyle
Men who prefer to keep their hair in tight hairstyles such as man buns, braids, and cornrows may cause damage to their scalp which often will result in hair loss. So men should be wary of following hair trends which involve keeping their hair in tight hairstyles such as braids or man buns.
Hopefully, after reading the article above, you may have a better understanding of why your hair may be thinning or receding. The good news is that once you figure out the reason behind your hair loss, you should be able to successfully treat your hair loss!
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