Is your toddler too distracted? Do you feel like they’re not paying attention? Toddlers and young children have very limited attention spans. Do not hold this against them. They have a lot to assimilate, and that’s why they learn things at a very fast pace. It is only natural that they are distracted in this furious need to learn everything. How do you overcome your child’s distraction and teach them to pay attention?
Always keep calm
Since young children are very quick learners, they are very receptive. They are receptive to your mental makeup and emotions. If you are frustrated with your child, they’ll pick up on the emotion and get cranky. Even if the child is throwing a tantrum, try to keep calm. You can’t calm the child if you’re not calm. Transference of emotions is big with toddlers and if you feel like your toddler isn’t behaving properly, they may have come in contact with someone who was disturbed. Don’t yell at your child for anything or you could risk them becoming stubborn. You have better chances of holding your child’s attention if you’re calmer.
Limit distractions
Adults can multitask. Children can’t. If you leave distractions around then the child will not be able to concentrate on the job at hand. If you’re trying to get your child’s attention then ensure that any distraction like the television is turned off. The child mustn’t have access to electronics at a young age. Studies have shown that children born today who have more access to electronics as children have a greater risk of ADHD. You must have felt it yourself; with a phone in your hand, you’re generally more distracted. Gradually you may have even realized that your own attention span has decreased after the use of mobile phones has become so pervasive. Keep your children away as long as you can!
Reward your child for good behavior
You may think that you’re spoiling your child, but rewarding children for doing the right thing is not counterproductive, in fact, quite the contrary. Children are very innocent at heart and will try to please you. If you make them feel like they did a good job, they’ll want to do it again. Don’t unnecessarily hand out rewards though because too much of anything isn’t good either. Candy and sweets are a good way to reward apart from taking them for playdates and fun activities. Children love sweets. You can invest in candy in bulk from stores like the Mexican candy store and keep your child as well as yourself happy.
Enroll your child in an activity
Most children are a hot mass of energy and this is another reason why your child may be distracted. Channel their energy elsewhere. You could enroll the child in a karate class or a dance class. Ask the child what they would like to do and send them to class. This is a great way to not only channel their endless energy productively but also to catch a few breaths before the whirlwind comes back home.
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