Getting fit feels thrilling to begin with but after a while many individuals find that they hit a ceiling they just don’t seem to be able to break through. You may have found your natural top speed, longest distance, heaviest load or greatest number of repetitions. Is that it? Will you never be able to do more? The answer to this question is almost always no, but to succeed in doing more you will need to get smart.
Get prepared
Preparing for success starts before your workout begins. First of all you will need to be well hydrated, so drink two cups of water about half an hour beforehand. Warm up your muscles with massage, gentle at first and gradually more vigorous, using a suitable oil or gel to prevent damage. Move on to light stretches. The aim is then to do as much as you can with flexibility exercise without tiring yourself before moving on to the main event – most people find that about 15 minutes is ideal.
Choose good gear
Good shoes are essential to every form of exercise not done in water, even if they’re just there to ensure that your weight is properly distributed when you’re standing. Most people today know that wearing compression clothing is also helpful, but you really have to see Tommie Copper products in action to appreciate how much difference they make. Tommie Copper leads the field in this area and this gear is designed to give your muscles the support they need to function at maximum efficiency.
Choose good food
Eating well every day, and particularly on the day of your workout, really matters. While hydration is the number one concern, it’s important to get plenty of protein to help you build muscle and to eat a variety of different fruits and vegetables – making sure your body has all the vitamins and minerals it needs for optimum health. During your workout, don’t be shy of eating a little sugar to boost your energy levels when you’re starting to flag. You won’t need to worry about piling on the pounds as long as you don’t do it to excess, because you’ll soon burn it off.
Choose the moment
If you really want to push past your limits, you’ll have to choose the right time to do so. Even if you don’t do any other exercise in the course of your day, ordinary activities can cause fatigue, and even if you don’t notice it, it can impact on your performance. Choose a day when you can start early and make sure you have a good sleep the night before. Once you’ve broken through once, you’ll know what you’re capable of and it won’t be so difficult to do it again.
When the moment comes, you are going to have to push through pain. You’ll still need to take any tearing sensation seriously to avoid injury, but the burning feeling caused by lactic acid can be overcome – and with enough determination, you can overcome it.
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