Coronavirus. You definitely don’t want to hear this word ever again. Because of the dreadful disease, many of us are locked up in our flats and houses for months with limited forms of active entertainment.
Especially when you are on your own, the endless spare time can be extremely stressful and challenging for your mental health. Did you already watch every single film and TV series on Netflix? Are you fed up with the news or social media and don’t feel too fit for home-based yoga classes? Why don’t you try something else and become a writer? It is easier than you might think. No special equipment is necessary — just your computer or, if you are a little bit old-fashioned, pen and paper. And being by yourself with a limitless amount of time will actually transform to advantage!
Still not sure how to begin? Don’t worry; this text is going to help you. The most important is to make yourself comfortable! Let’s draw attention to some tips on how to kill spare time and improve your lifestyle and writing.
The First Rule – “There Are No Rules!”
It absolutely doesn’t matter if you are going to craft a voluminous novel or rather couple-pages-long silly short story. Why not a romantic poem or a letter to an imaginary friend? Everything is solely up to you. Write whatever you like and make sure to choose a topic that you know very well or are interested in (and would like to find out more). Nobody has to read your work. You can keep the finished book just for yourself or show it merely to your closest relatives.
So, let your fantasy do its job. The only condition is that you have to enjoy what you are writing. Even if you are a professional who knows all the tricks and methods, but you don’t like the stuff what you are working on, the text won’t be good, and you will never improve.
If you are still stuck and don’t have a clue, where to start – try the technique called freewriting. Sit down for five minutes and write whatever comes to your mind, without thinking and without stopping. You might be surprised where this unpredictable journey will lead you.
Set Goals & Write Every Day
Your skills will develop only with constant practice. Talent in this business (and perhaps in the majority of human fields) constitutes about five per cent of success. Truly. Even regular reading is good for polishing your writing style. It is nevertheless beneficial to read many diverse books, blogs and magazines from various authors. Otherwise, you may end up copying the style of your favourite novelist.
Whether it is ten minutes or five hours, the time you are going to commit to writing is certainly up to you also. However, try to write regularly and develop a habit, for example, one page per day. Consider writing as exercising that requires being tolerant and consistent.
Make Yourself Comfortable
Now perhaps the most crucial part. To achieve the best results, it is essential to feeling comfortable while you write. Choose the perfect time and a place that suits your needs. It’s no point to force yourself to write at the desk in your office, if you feel more relaxed, for example, in the bathroom.
Are you a morning person who always gets up full of energy with the first light? Good. Start writing right after your coffee. Do you prefer staying awake in late hours when everyone else is asleep? Amazing! Write your piece the whole night. Don’t forget to prepare other things to put yourself in the right mood and take regular breaks. Wear your most favourite clothes (or no clothes at all, if it makes you feel cosy). Make sure that you have enough healthy snacks and drinks next to your laptop, so you don’t have to disturb the activity for prolonged cooking. Or you can…
Give A Try To Some CBD Products
Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a natural substance found in Cannabis Sativa plants. CBD is (unlike THC) legal, non-psychoactive and non-addictive. Moreover, it may offer various therapeutic benefits without severe side effects. Intake of CBD oil can help you to reduce anxiety, stress, and pain as well as improve your memory and ability to focus. All critical factors when you are creating a story.
Try for yourself and perhaps you will experience that suddenly you can compose the more complicated storylines, more diverse characters and fruitfully write for a more extended period. It’s possible to get CBD benefits as a soft drink, chocolate, gummies, oil and many other items that we all like.
Be Proud Of Your Work
Creative work, such as writing has one oddness. You will never know how good you really are. Not even if you manage to get your book successfully published and crowds of your fans will be knocking on your door every day.
Who is the world’s best writer in your opinion? The one who sells the most copies? In that case, E. L. James would have to be more skilful than Umberto Eco. What about the one with the most literary awards? Maybe, but what purpose has a prize, if the majority of people don’t know (or don’t understand) your books? The point is – even well-known and acknowledged novelists sometimes doubt their talents, and if you can find just a single person who appreciates your story, then your writing was worthy, even if that one person is you!
So, always be proud of yourself and your work. Try to compose a short story today, and you will see how the whole process will clear your mind, make you think about the ongoing troubles in the world from a different perspective, and you will improve your communication with others as a bonus. No more excuses, take a pen and put what’s in your mind on a paper.
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