When you are in the early stages of seeing someone, it can be hard to know what kind of relationship you’re in. Are you casual but slowly becoming more committed? Are you friends-with-benefits? Or are you in a kind of limbo that has you a bit confused? If you’ve asked yourself any of these questions recently, you might be in a situationship. A situationship is basically an undefined romantic relationship with an unclear end goal. Understanding your status in a situationship can help you avoid investing too many emotions into the connection.
Here are 5 signs that you might be in a situationship:
- You haven’t DTR
If you haven’t defined the relationship (DTR) but you have been seeing this person for a while, it might be a sign that you are in a situationship, not a relationship. And if your partner also avoids having this talk when you bring it up, it’s another indication that they do not want to put the relationship in concrete terms.
- Avoiding talk about the future
In a relationship, partners tend to plan for the future together in some capacity. The plans don’t necessarily have to be long-term, but they do involve some sort of future time frame, whether it’s something to look forward to in a few weeks, months, or maybe even a year down the line. A total absence of talk about the future is a sign that your partner doesn’t see a long-term future together.
- They’re not “looking for anything serious”
If your partner says they ‘aren’t looking for anything serious’ then you should take them at face value. Even if it feels like you are doing couple-y things like going out for date night and talking about your feelings, if they say they don’t want something serious, they do not want something serious!
- You haven’t met their friends
If you have been seeing someone for some time, and have yet to meet anyone that’s important to them, you might not be in a relationship. If things are getting serious, and your partner is ready to start making you a priority in their life, they will start to introduce you to people that are close to them.
- You don’t go on dates
A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself whether you ever hang out with the person you are seeing outside of the bedroom. Have you ever hung out during the day? Gone for a walk? Seen a movie?. If you are only ever over to have sex, or you’ve never gone on any dates, then you are probably not in a relationship. While some situationships do involve dates, they are normally less public and less planned than relationship dates.
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