When you’re looking to increase your income, it can be daunting thinking about where to start. Should you pick up another job, or work more hours at your current one, or try something else?
Most people have a pitfall when they think of earning more: they’re too focused on the short term. For example, working a second job will obviously have you earning more immediately, but you’re also paying for that with your free time.
An excellent way to earn more and pay your bills is by actually investing in improving your skills. And I use the word “investing” carefully, because it’s true: using your time or money to improve your own skills is an investment in your future self.
For those of us in digital marketing, one digital marketing expert has courses and educational offerings which can help boost your ability to earn. Douglas James, known as “The High-Ticket Client Guy” has mastered various digital marketing techniques. Now, he’s offering what he has learned to the public, and we wanted to review the Douglas James Course, to see how it stands.
Who is Douglas James?
Douglas James is an entrepreneur and digital marketing guru, who has helped more than 1,500 entrepreneurs increase their ability to earn through his courses and other offerings. James has a diverse background: he served as a Navy Corpsman in 2014 on humanitarian missions.
After returning, he decided he wanted to help others find financial freedom and independence, so he started to learn the ropes about digital marketing. After coming up with a signature system, James created his courses, to help others who want to level up their skills.
What does Douglas James offer?
Douglas James offers skill-building courses and services, which can help entrepreneurs master digital marketing techniques. For example, for entrepreneurs who spend a lot of time on the phone, James offers “The High-Ticket Experience,” which can help you master closing high-ticket leads on the phone. In case you haven’t noticed, “high-ticket” is one of James’ signature specialties, because he believes big clients are the ones you want to focus on.
He also offers “Local Business Funnels and Ads,” which helps entrepreneurs learn the art of automated lead generation. In The Experts Academy,” you can learn to master Facebook Ads, as well as advanced training for lead generation.
Whether you’re looking to take advantage of social media, boost your ability to land and close calls over the phone, or manage web traffic, James has got you covered. He also offers exclusive one-on-one services, such as the “high-octane” 1-Hour Activation Call, where James helps you get “from A to B as fast as possible.”
You can also apply for the VIP Day, where James personally teaches you how to land high-ticket clients during a two-night stay in San Diego.
You can check out all Douglas James Marketing Courses on his website at https://thedouglasjames.com/services/
Who are these courses good for?
Douglas James courses are a good fit for a wide variety of business people and entrepreneurs. If you’re looking to earn more, improve your skills, and pay the bills using digital marketing techniques, these courses are definitely for you.
Connect with Douglas James on courses might also be an excellent fit if you’re looking to close more deals, boost your sales, or learn how to hit your target audience with digital ads which deliver results.
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