So you want to enter the glamorous world of fashion influencing? What a great idea! There’s a reason why so many influencers are dedicated to all things fashion—because it’s an opportunity to share your unique style and influence others with your exceptional fashion sense.
So, if you are passionate about clothes and styling and are looking to become a successful fashion influencer, then here’s what you’ll need.
A Large Mirror
Unless you have a full time photographer, then it’s hard to get a shot of your outfit from head to toe on your own. That’s why so many fashion influencers rely on long mirrors. That way you can capture your look as well as a little background. Make sure that you have a few items behind you like a bookshelf or even a plant. That way your reflection looks picture perfect in every sense.
A Smartphone
While you don’t necessarily need to have the best camera on the market, you do need to have a smartphone with a decent camera on it. The higher quality your photos are the more professional your page will look, and the more credible you’ll see them.
Statistics show that fashion influencers with high resolution photos have more engagement than those who have blurry or pixelated images. If you don’t have a smartphone with a good camera on it yet, then now is a good time to invest in one since you plan on being an influencer.
As the saying goes, “What came first, the chicken or the egg?” The same paradox applies to influencing. You can’t be an influencer until you have followers, but you can’t have followers until you’re an influencer.
Yet, in order to establish yourself, you’ll need to rack up a good following. This can be done by making use of hashtags, and engaging on as many accounts as possible. It’s all a numbers game when it comes to the world of influencing. The more followers you have, the more desirable you are for companies looking to partner up and pay you for promoting their products or services.
A Brand
Your image is your brand, so choose wisely! You want to stand out by choosing a brand that sets you apart from the other influencers. From your color palette, to your fashion style, create a personal brand that no one can find anywhere else.
Be consistent with your personal branding across every social media platform, from Instagram to Facebook. You want to create a recognizable image that people recognize from anywhere.
Remember, becoming an influencer takes time. By staying consistent and posting high quality content that encourages people to engage, you’ll be a fabulous fashion influencer in no time!
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