Pregnancy is so exciting! Your body is doing something absolutely incredible…growing and nourishing another human being!
After months and months of waiting, you’re just about ready to pop – and you can’t wait to meet the newest addition to your family. There is one nagging thought you just can’t seem to let go of, though. What’s going to happen to/in your body after your little one makes its debut?
Your friends and family members have all told you horror stories. Bleeding for months on end, leaky breasts, night sweats, and so much more.
Sure, you know that the post-pregnancy body and experience are different for everyone, but what can you realistically expect?
We’re here to help set your mind at ease. In this post, we’ll give you the rundown of what you can expect to happen to and in your post-pregnancy body, so you can prepare for all of it.
Let’s dive in!
Vaginal Bleeding
One of the most common symptoms after giving birth is vaginal bleeding.
It can be short-lived or on and off, but in some cases, bleeding may continue for as long as six weeks or more.
To prepare, stock up on pads or your favorite cloth option (as long as it’s not a tampon.)
As early as a few days or one week postpartum, you may begin to experience abdominal cramps like the ones you get while menstruating.
These cramps occur because your uterus is contracting and shrinking back to its pre-pregnancy size. Unfortunately, it can take up to six weeks to shrink, so you’ll want to stock up on Advil or Tylenol.
An electric heating pad can provide great relief, too.
If your after-baby body experiences anything, it’s likely to be fatigue.
How do you cope?
Start by allowing the other people in your life to help you take care of things. Try not to feel anxious about things like keeping your home spotless or replying to all of your friends and family members in a timely manner.
These things can be sorted out when you’re feeling up to it. For the time being, the important thing is just to rest.
Hair Loss
During your pregnancy, you had beautiful, thick hair. Now that the baby is here – it seems like your luscious locks are no more. In fact, you’re even losing hair!
What’s the deal?
While you’re pregnant, the increased hormone levels in your body cause you to lose less of your hair.
As your hormone levels regulate, you’ll want to add a lot of fruit and vegetables into your diet which can help your hair grow.
If you’re looking for a helpful hair loss treatment to speed up the process, view here.
Don’t Be Ashamed of Your Post-Pregnancy Body
After all, it did take part in creating a new human life! Not only that, but your now post-pregnancy body nourished and sustained the life, too.
If your post-baby belly is driving you crazy, here are some helpful tips for getting fit.
Just don’t forget to be proud of your body – because it is amazing!
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