Getting sober after battling addiction is a remarkable accomplishment.
You finally took your health and well-being into your own hands and got help. You took a hard look at your problems and took the steps to rid yourself of a habit that was killing you.
So, what’s next?
The hard part.
Yes, getting sober is one thing, but staying sober is the true challenge. You’ve got the rest of your life ahead of you now, and staying sober is a lifelong journey.
Check out these tips for staying sober so you can start this journey on the right track.
1. Get Your Body Involved to Help You Heal
The importance of exercise to your recovery can’t be overstated. For one, a healthy body and mind will keep you from craving drugs that strip away your health.
What’s more, many scientists throughout history have found that our memories are stored in the body. This is why nervous habits and ticks manifest after trauma. When you exercise, you get to work these holding patterns out of the body, so that they don’t have as much control over you.
There are lots of forms of exercise that can help you stay sober.
It’s scientifically proven that running is incredible for your brain. Find the form of exercise that works for you and use it to stay clean.
2. Meditate to Still Your Rambunctious Mind
When you meditate, you get the opportunity to finally quiet your mind after taking in so much data and distraction any given day.
Set your timer and sit down, focusing on only your breathing and the sensations you feel throughout your body. You can meditate with your eyes closed or open, but the key to it all is making it a regular practice.
The benefits that meditation brings to your mind will allow you to stave off cravings and find a sense of wholeness that helps you stay sober.
3. Go to Recovery Meetings and Tighten Your Personal Circle
Since no man or woman is an island, isolation is the worst thing that you can have when trying to stay sober. Make sure that you regularly attend recovery meetings and only keep positive people and plenty of support around you.
Likewise, be sure that you cut ties with those that don’t support your recovery and sobriety. Your life depends on it, so put yourself first and only spend time with those that empower you.
In addition to group meetings, you can look into Care Recovery Interventions Services and other companies that have services that will help you stay sober.
4. Replace the Negative Habit With a Positive One
Finally, use a bit of alchemy and transmute this negative habit into a positive one.
The energy has to go somewhere, so figure out how to use it to your advantage.
Maybe you’re grateful that you have a new lease on life, and want to make travel your new hobby so that you can see the world. Or perhaps you just want to make it a habit to show more love to your family, or tackle a project that you’ve been putting off.
Either way, throw yourself into your works and stay busy.
Use These Tips For Staying Sober
Let these tips for staying sober guide you so that you can have an incredible quality of life moving forward. Following these points will help you get your life back.
Stick around to learn more lifestyle information and news that can empower you.
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