I was having a conversation last night with my physician and friend Dr. David Crawford, and as you can well imagine it was CoVid that made up the bulk of the conversation. Something which I have been guilty of since lockdown is not keeping myself in great shape, and that of course has been pretty easy given that there has been nothing to do for such long stretches. David gave me a bit of deserved dressing down about this and he was absolutely right, which is why I wanted to write a quick guide for you guys, based on what I plan to do in the coming days and weeks.
We can all sit there and make excuses as to why we aren’t in shape such as not being able to get to the gym or any other reason, but the truth is that we certainly can stay in shape and here is my plan of attack.
I have identified 5 different YouTube guides for workouts and for yoga which I am going to be trying in the coming days. The video streaming service is absolutely rammed with videos and guides which have been put up by expert physical trainers and they are easy to do, no matter how much space you have at home. To make this exercise even more fun make sure that you get the others in your household involved and do it as a group activity.
Early Morning Run
I don’t know about all of you but I find that when I go out for my daily exercise I am hypersensitive about people, not to mention the fact that there are a lot of folks in the street who just aren’t paying attention to the social distancing rules. With this in mind I have decided, committed in fact, to waking up at 430am every morning and going out for a 30 minute run, before everyone descends on the streets. This will ensure that I get a run in and it will also ensure that my anxieties remain at bay.
I haven’t been terrible with my diet but because of the fact that I have decided to take up cooking as my quarantine hobby, it is fair to say that I am eating more than I should be. And so starting on Monday (because it is obviously the only day to start something) I will be going back to a healthy diet for 5 days of the week and then relaxing it on the weekend when I do my cooking. Thankfully I don’t drink, even in these testing times, but if you do then you may wish to think about the 5 and 2 rule for that as well, remember that you drink on the 2 days, and not on the 5!
What about you guys, how are you all holding up? Let me know what your plan is and we can go for it together.
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